nam can中文什么意思

发音:   用"nam can"造句
  • nam:    NAM =National Asso ...
  • can:    n. 1.〔美国〕罐头,听头(=〔英 ...
  • ban nam can:    班南甘
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  1. Today viet nam looks to the united states to help integrate it into the world market economic system so viet nam can improve the lives of its people
  2. The climate productivity across viet nam can be divided into six zones and smaller superposed region also exist between these big zones according to the result from the grid . this show the influences different terrains have on climate . 5
  3. 1 . viet nam precipitation character viet nam can be divided into three regions , there are different characters in different regions : in the south and middle regions , rainfall mainly concentrate in autumn , while in the north region , rainfall mainly occurs in summer


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